Additional Musical Resources


Here are additional websites with interesting musical approaches, strategies, teaching aids, etc. to make music more accessible to children and adults, and/or which are resources for music that I think are highly valuable. It will be added to from time to time.
This website is by Heather Figi, a totally delightful person who has created many, many wonderful musical compositions and variations for violinists.
This website is by Elise Winters, who brilliantly created the amazing Kaleidoscopes method of teaching violin to young students.
This website is by Murray Hidary, who creates amazing musical meditations merged with other sorts of activities. He's "one of a kind."
This website is by Barry Goldstein who focuses on the power of music to heal and transform lives. I love his book "The Secret Language of the Heart: How to Use Music, Sound, and Vibration as Tools for Healing and Personal Transformation."
John Rutter is a choral composer and conductor, and everything he creates is exquisite. In fact, his music is so superb, for many years I honestly thought he was dead and had lived during the time of Bach, etc. However, I discovered that he is very much alive....:)